Walk With Ease With the Help of a Custom Orthotic!
Are You In Need of a Custom Orthotic?
Are you living with pain in your legs or feet, making it difficult to get through the day? Custom orthotics can make daily tasks much more comfortable and easier to achieve.
Do you experience sore feet? Did you know that as you age, your feet will often change? Changes in the shape of your feet, the support of your ligaments, and complications from previous injuries can all cause strain and pain.
This is why we at Therapy West Physical Therapy + Sports Medicine offer custom orthotics. They provide extra support and relief for your feet.
Ready to get started? Contact our Gunnison, Ephraim, Mount Pleasant, Richfield, or Manti, UT physical therapy clinic for an appointment and learn more about how we can help relieve your foot pain!
Why am I living with pain?
Problems with your feet can be caused by several conditions directly related to the feet.
General ailments and diseases that affect the body as a whole can also lead to foot pain.
The following are several examples of conditions or diseases that can be the cause of foot pain.
These conditions can all be treated with physical therapy:
Arthritis is a debilitating joint disease that can affect the joints throughout the foot. Stiffness and swelling in the joints can eventually lead to permanent damage. This can affect the way you stand or walk.
Other potentially treatable conditions include patellofemoral knee pain, shin splints, Achilles tendonitis, and bunions, as well as numerous systemic pathologies that (like diabetes) affect the function of the lower limbs.
Physical therapy services can provide treatment to relieve pain and improve whatever condition you’re suffering from.
Heel Spurs
This is a bony protrusion on the heel that is usually made of some sort of calcium build-up.
While the actual spurs are not painful they can poke the tissues in the heel and potentially cause severe pain. Many of the same risk factors that cause plantar fasciitis can also cause heel spurs.
Plantar Fasciitis
This is a painful condition along the sole of the foot; and in particular, the area that connects the heel bone to the toes.
This is due to thick tissues along the bottom of the feet becoming tightened or inflamed. Pain can occur in the heel or the arch of the foot.
It can be caused by obesity, age, and standing for long periods of time on your feet.
Diabetes can lead to foot problems because of restricted blood flow and nerve damage. When nerves are damaged through diabetes this is referred to as neuropathy.
When the muscles in the foot no longer function together properly this can cause unequal pressure on the foot.
Unequal pressure can result in sores, infections, and even amputation in extreme cases. Proper footwear can help prevent foot problems related to diabetes.
This is a painful disorder that affects the joints and bones along with the ball of the foot.
This condition is often caused by ill-fitting footwear or restrictive footwear. Orthotics are usually recommended to help reduce pain caused by metatarsalgia.
What’s the purpose of custom orthotics?
Custom orthotics are devices that are individually created to uniquely fit your feet.
They resemble insoles but are specifically crafted and made of materials that will last longer than prefabricated orthotics.
There are generally three types of custom orthotics, including:
These are created to help you relieve the stress on joints that is often caused by conditions such as arthritis.
These will help your feet to move in a more desirable way or bear weight in a way that will help you move and walk better.
If the shape of your feet is irregular, these types of orthotics can assist heel support, forward movement, and general stability.
Although custom orthotics are more expensive than off-the-shelf devices, they last much longer and provide more support or correction.
Orthotic inserts will improve how your feet and lower legs feel and function.

What can I gain from a custom orthotic?
Our trained Gunnison, Ephraim, Mt Pleasant, Richfield, and Manti, UT physical therapists can give you a comprehensive orthotic evaluation. He or she will provide a custom fitting to determine what will work best for your feet.
Our physical therapist will take into consideration your current medical conditions and activity level when providing the best custom orthotics.
After your evaluation and fitting, it will likely take a few weeks for your custom orthotics to come back from the lab.
Quality orthotics can alleviate pressure, eliminate pain, and promote stability. It’s important to receive custom orthotics that are created to fit the exact shape of your foot in order to receive the maximum benefits.
As physical therapists, we are specifically trained in musculoskeletal movement and have extensive knowledge of gait analysis and biomechanics of the lower extremities.
We can provide you with orthotics that uniquely fit the contours of your feet, giving you the maximum amount of function, support, and comfort.
After you have received your orthotics it will likely be necessary to provide an ongoing assessment of how your orthotics are working. Fine-tuning may be needed to provide the best results possible.
Get fitted for a custom orthotic today!
Contact Therapy West Physical Therapy + Sports Medicine today to learn how our customized orthotics can benefit you. We use Sole Support Orthotics.
Here is a bit about what to expect with Sole Support Orthotics:
- Sole Supports Orthotics will remain in contact with your arch while many other brands of orthotics will show a space between the device and your feet. If the orthotic is not matching perfectly with your foot through the entire gait cycle, then there is less support provided to the foot and less shock absorption.
- Sole Supports are inherently flexible, providing shock absorption during a dynamic activity like jumping, running, etc. The orthotic shell is extremely durable and the correction is built into the device versus using external posting like many other orthotic brands. This external posting can wear down over time leading to the orthotic needing to be replaced much sooner.
- Sole Supports are the orthotic of choice for many NFL, MLB, Olympic Team athletes.
- Sole Support was named the best orthotic for an athlete through research conducted at the University of Georgia.
- Our therapists have been evaluating and casting for orthotics for many years.
- Sole Supports come in normal width and depth for tennis shoes, hiking boots, etc. There is no need to buy a larger size shoe – they are designed to fit your feet and shoe size.
- They are also available in another profile, a narrower style for women’s and men’s dress shoes.
Get yourself some happy feet by using SOLE SUPPORTS ORTHOTICS. Your feet just might want to dance, sing and jive all on their own. Problems can start at the base, so foot care is essential.
- Initial evaluation, casting, and your first pair of Sole Supports.
- Plus TWO FREE ADJUSTMENTS if needed (most of the time, no adjustments are needed).
Your Next Steps…
Request An Appointment
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Work Hard and Progress In Your Recovery
Recover & Enjoy Life Pain-Free!