Hospitality Care and Extended Care Facility Gunnison, Ephraim, Mt Pleasant, Richfield, or Bicknell, UT

Hospital Therapy & Extended Care Facility

If you are hospitalized, recovering from surgery, healing from an injury or being treated for a disabling health problem, physical therapy, and occupational therapy will be an important part of your rehabilitation and treatment.

You may need this type of treatment for any health problem affecting nerves, muscles, bones, or brain if it is causing temporary or permanent disability. physical and occupational therapists are part of a team of healthcare professionals at the hospital and extended care facility who work together to plan your treatment.

Conditions treated with physical and occupational therapy in the hospital

Many health problems which cause pain or limit your ability to move normally may be aided by physical and occupational therapy. This type of rehab may be needed at the hospital before going home or to an extended care facility. 

Here are some health problems it may help:


Stroke is a block or burst of the blood supply to the brain. The most important part of stroke recovery is early rehab which often starts right away in the hospital and then moves to an extended care facility. Rehab can help you relearn how to manage daily activities. It can also help you get back lost function and prevent more damage.


Neck and back injuries need early treatment for the best results. Physical therapy and rehab for these specific injuries start before leaving the hospital. Immediately starting physical therapy you will shorten your overall recovery time.


If you have severe pain in the hospital after an injury or an operation or because of a nerve or muscle problem, physical and occupational therapy may help ease your pain. It can also help you to better handle it. 


Joint problems can cause pain, stiffness, and limited movement. They may be treated with physical and occupational therapy in the hospital and then extended care facility. Therapy can ease pain and improve range of movement. It can also teach you how to use your joints without causing more damage. Examples of these conditions are ankylosing spondylitis, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis and gout.


You might need physical rehab for cancer, heart disease, lung problems, an infected wound, an amputation, or a severe burn. You will also need it after joint replacement surgery. 

Rehabilitation Treatments?

At the hospital or extended care facility, your therapist may talk with you, examine you, order special tests, and look at your health records.

They will develop a rehab treatment plan to fit your needs. A physical therapist and occupational therapist may help you carry out the plan. Physical Therapists and Occupational Therapists are trained to help restore physical mobility and function after an injury or surgery.

Here are some of the ways these healthcare providers can help you:

  • Help you exercise and build up your muscles
  • Help you stretch your muscles to gain flexibility
  • Give you range of motion exercises to maintain or increase movement
  • Give you exercises and activities to help your coordination and balance
  • Teach you how to be safe when you leave the hospital
  • Teach you how to be independent when you leave the hospital
  • Improve healing by using massage, heat, cold, electric currents, or sound waves

Physical and Occupational Therapy are a crucial part of recovery from many health problems one may face in the hospital. Essentially, it initiates the process which will continue after leaving the hospital and proceed at an extended care facility, an outpatient physical therapy department or at home. You can improve your chance of recovery by learning as much as you can about your specific health problem. Also, work closely with all the members of your rehabilitation team. Contact us to request an appointment and start your therapy today!

Your Next Steps…

  1. Request An Appointment

  2. Receive A Custom Treatment Plan

  3. Work Hard and Progress In Your Recovery

  4. Recover & Enjoy Life Pain-Free!

Start Taking Control Of Your Health, Get Started Today!