Fall Prevention Gunnison, Ephraim, Mt Pleasant, Richfield, or Bicknell, UT

Fall Prevention at Home


Information about Falls Prevalence and Cost (US Senate SCA)

  • More than one in four Americans age 65 and older falls each year.
  • More than one in three Americans age 85 and older falls each year.
  • Currently, the annual cost of fall injuries in the USA $50 Billion, by 2030 cost is expected to be $100 Billion
  • Utah’s yearly cost falls by $165 Million

Growing Older And Wiser

“The longer I live the more beautiful life becomes.” – Frank Lloyd Wright

“I believe the second half of one’s life is meant to be better than the first half. The first half is finding out how you do it. And the second half is enjoying it.” – Frances Lear

“Anyone who keeps the ability to see beauty never grows old.” – Franz Kafka

“It annoys me when people say, ‘Even if you’re old, you can be young at heart!’ Hiding inside this well-meaning phrase is a deep cultural assumption that old is bad and young is good. What’s wrong with being old at heart, I’d like to know. Wouldn’t you like to be loved by people whose hearts have practiced loving for a long time?” – Susan Moon

“Count your age by friends, not years. Count your life by smiles, not tears.” – John Lennon

“Do not grow old, no matter how long you live. Never cease to stand like curious children before the great mystery into which we were born.” – Albert Einstein

Will a Fall Prevention Program Help?

YES. Falling does not have to be a natural part of aging. After decades of targeted trials, researchers have developed evidence-based programs to prevent falls among seniors.

How Long Does the Program Take?

Researchers combine the frequency of visits with the duration of care, and that is called “dose”. Research shows that a minimum of three months of intervention with an average of one to two visits per week is required to make a difference. Typically, the treatment is higher in frequency in the beginning, and as the patient progresses in strength and balance, the frequency decreases.

Will I Have to Exercise?

Yes. Your health is in your hands. A meta-analysis of 44 studies determined the minimum dose of exercise to effectively reduce the risk and the rate of falls is 50 hours.

Staying Active At All Ages

As we age, two forms of exercise are the most important to focus on Aerobic Exercise and Strength Training. Aerobic exercise, or cardio, will increase your heart rate and maintain it at a higher rate for a period of time. Strength training slows down the loss of muscle mass with age. Usually, aerobic exercise and strength training don’t require fancy equipment or expensive classes.

What Does The Program Consist Of?

Effective Fall Prevention programs address three areas:

  • Medication Management
  • Home Safety | Modification
  • Strength, Flexibility, and Balance Training

What Does It Cost?

Because most seniors have Medicare as their primary insurance and secondary insurance, out-of-pocket costs are little to nothing. In contrast, the US Senate Special Committee on Aging recently reported the average hospital cost for a fall-related injury is approximately $30,000.00.

What Are The Risks of Doing Nothing?

The US Senate Special Committee on Aging reports, “Falling can result in physical injuries, such as fractures, disability, and head trauma, as well as psychological and functional consequences such as loss of independence, social isolation, institutionalization, and even death.

How Will I Know If It Is Working?

A validated balance test is performed at the beginning, part way thru, and at the end, to demonstrate the improvement in balance and fall protection strategies.

Is this the same as Home Health?


Home health is for patients that are homebound. This program is for senior patients who are NOT homebound but find it difficult to get to our clinic for any number of reasons, including transportation challenges, anxiety, fear of falling, etc. This program begins in the patient’s home, and then, if the patient feels comfortable, will conclude with more challenging activities in the clinic; otherwise, it will finish in the home. Click here to make an appointment with Therapy West Physical Therapy and Sports Medicine.

Your Next Steps…

  1. Request An Appointment

  2. Receive A Custom Treatment Plan

  3. Work Hard and Progress In Your Recovery

  4. Recover & Enjoy Life Pain-Free!

Start Taking Control Of Your Health, Get Started Today!