Are You Familiar With the Benefits of Preventative Rehabilitation?

Are You Familiar With the Benefits of Preventative Rehabilitation?

Are You Familiar With the Benefits of Preventative Rehabilitation?

Do you have a physically demanding job or participate in a sport? Do you plan to have an operation this year? Do your muscles and joints feel weaker than they used to? If you recognize yourself in any of these scenarios, preventative rehabilitation, or “pre-hab,” may be beneficial to you!

Participating in occupational therapy pre-hab treatments has several advantages. It can reduce recovery time, help the body heal faster, and prevent injuries. Pre-hab is classified into two types: 1) Pre-hab for injury prevention; 2) Pre-hab for surgical recovery.

Request an appointment at Therapy West PT & Sports Medicine in Mt Pleasant, UT  today to learn more about the various types of pre-hab and how it can benefit you.

How can rehabilitation aid in my recovery after surgery?

Many people are concerned about the lengthy recovery times associated with surgical procedures. This is especially true for individuals who have had total joint replacements. Many people put off joint replacement surgery because they are afraid of the long and arduous recovery that awaits them in a rehabilitation facility.

Fortunately, pre-hab can significantly reduce recovery time! Occupational therapy is also a popular treatment option for patients recovering from surgery, healing from injuries, or living with chronic conditions that impair their quality of life.

Did you know that participating in preventative rehabilitation can reduce your need for inpatient rehab by 73%? If you are stronger before surgery, you will be able to complete your physical milestones much faster after surgery, cutting your recovery time by days or even weeks.

Patients undergoing total knee replacement surgery, for example, should be able to walk 500-1,000 feet within 24 hours. This may appear to be a difficult goal, but people who participate in pre-operative rehabilitation are far more likely to meet this criterion than those who do not.

During pre-hab, patients receive the stretches, strengthening exercises, and pain-relieving treatments they require for a quick and pain-free recovery.

How can pre-hab help with injury prevention?

Pre-hab is an excellent resource for those who are prone to injuries or who are at risk of developing injuries. To determine where your problem areas are, you will undergo a thorough evaluation with your occupational therapist to determine your treatment plan. These usually consist of a combination of exercises, stretches, and pain relief techniques that target areas where injuries are most likely to occur.

Military personnel, for example, are more likely to develop foot, knee, hip, and back problems as a result of the rigors of training and combat. Many of these injuries can be avoided with pre-hab, which teaches proper posture, effective core strengthening exercises, and proper lifting techniques to keep service members strong and healthy. The same is true for firefighters, factory workers, and other employees in physically demanding jobs.

Both professional and amateur athletes can benefit from pre-hab therapies. Through conditioning exercises, their treatment will focus on identifying and correcting faulty techniques.

If you’re an athlete, your occupational therapist will pay special attention to the parts of your body that are constantly stressed and overworked by your sport, assessing your risk of injury and devising a plan to reduce it.

Through strength and balance training, occupational therapy treatments typically aim to improve mobility and pain relief. Hand therapy is a type of occupational therapy that Therapy West PT & Sports Medicine in Mt Pleasant, UT provides that can lower your overall risk of sustaining a hand injury as well as assist you in recovering if you have been injured.

This type of therapy may be part of your preventative care. Hand therapy focuses on treating orthopedic upper-extremity issues in order to improve the arm and hand’s functional use.

Pre-hab can assist you in improving your physical abilities in your sport or occupation while also lowering your risk of injury.

Ready to become stronger? Request an appointment in Mt Pleasant, UT today!

Do you want to begin developing your own preventative rehabilitation plan? If this is the case, don’t put off scheduling your initial consultation.

Occupational therapy extends beyond the treatment and prevention of injuries. All of your functional needs are taken into account, and activities to promote psychological well-being are implemented!

If you want to start improving your quality of life, make an appointment with Therapy West PT & Sports Medicine in Mt Pleasant, UT today. Are you ready to learn more about the benefits of occupational therapy and how it can improve your life? Contact us today!


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